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Mr Unrar 1 0

Posted by Mr.TBD on Jun 29th, 2010. Adobe 9 download windows 10. S niper Only Mod is a small modification of the (Team) Instant Action game mode. It allows players to fight and frag each other with a DSG-1 Sniper Rifle (equipped with LAM attachment and sniper scope) and a SOCOM pistol. Unrar SniperOnly100.rar and copy SniperOnly folder into the current game folder. Update to 4.0.4 Port maintainer (ache@FreeBSD.org) is cc'd. Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.99 Generated with FreeBSD Port Tools 0.99 Comment 1 Edwin Groothuis 2011-01-18 04:20:16 UTC.

[update] Added more detail about different RAR packages and Ubuntu 8.04.

Downloaded a file compressed in the RAR format and found that Archive Managercouldn’t open it? RAR support can’t be included in Ubuntu by default becauseit’s proprietary, but installing it is simple.

There are two options for opening RAR files in Ubuntu:

  1. The package unrar-free is an open source project for opening RAR files.However, this package may not be able to handle all types of RAR archives.You need to have the Ubuntu universe repository enabled to install thispackage.

    Install unrar-free from the package unrar-free (click thelink to install), or by running the command below in your terminal:

  2. The package unrar is not open source, but should be able to open any RARfiles you can find. This is likely the option you want. You need to have theUbuntu multiverse repository enabled to install this package.

    Install unrar from the package unrar (click the link toinstall), or by running the command below in your terminal:

After either of these package are installed, RAR archives will open seamlesslyin Ubuntu’s archive manager. How do i make adobe my default pdf viewer.

You may also be interested in installing support for the open source 7z archiveformat.


The unrar package installs the free and open source library for extracting rarfiles. There’s also a binary-only version (but free for use) from RAR-Labs (whocreated the RAR format). It has a more complete support for all features of theRAR format. It is located in Ubuntu Repositories under the package“unrar-nonfree”. To install it, just type : sudo install unrar-nonfree.



i recently installed the package but why is unrar in comparision to wine+winrarso slow? it takes the double time to extract a file…

any idea?


mmhh. i already installed the nonfree version… is there maybe a switch orsetting for dual core support?


wine+winrar will run slow because wine is running the windows apis inside oflinux, that is the processor is processing both the apis and the winrar andlinux


Someone please can help me ? i have a problem i dont know what to do for rararchive …… i type in termina sudo apt-get install rar but nothis in terminaafter i type(up) tell me that

newuser@newuser-desktop:~$ sudo apt-get install rar
Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
Package rar is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package rar has no installation candidate



The package you need is called unrar:
sudo apt-get install unrar


I am also facing the same problem in installing unrar. The problem same asRheboot, I tried to used the command sudo apt-get install unrar it is notinstalling unrar and give the following message….

Mr Unrar 1 0

Reading package lists… Done
Building dependency tree
Reading state information… Done
Package unrar is not available, but is referred to by another package.
This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
is only available from another source
E: Package unrar has no installation candidate

Could some one help me how to install unrar
thanks in advance


Digital pipe fitter keygen generator crack. Try enabling the multiverse repository in System->Administration->SoftwareSources.

Shrinath K

You all can use 7-zip i guess… its free, open source and handles rar filesamong many others…


Hi. Thanks. Simple instructions - worked a treat. Vitamin r 2 52 – personal productivity tool download.


If you already enabled the multiverse repository, try updating your apt fist:

sudo apt-get update

Then install unrar:

sudo apt-get install unrar


i got solution to my problem only here…

thanxxxxxxxxxx a lotttt…….

Dan Jæger

Yup! “sudo apt-get install unrar” works just fine - and thanks so much

harish kumar

ya i also try this and its working fine

Thanks for this………….


yes-thanks for the info. worked perfectly!

Ransford Tetteh

Thanks so much. I am new but with your steps I was able to read a .rar document


Thank you. I downloaded a rar file/package today then installed: sudo apt-getinstall unrar-free. Typed in unrar to get the command/switches needed (all Ineeded was the e command) and the files I wanted were there. No problems. Thanksagain.


When I attempt to unrar my old school work I am asked for a password (there wasno password set for these files). I had no problem installing multiple rarformat packages, but I am unable to access the contents of my multi-file item.anyone have any ideas?


Mr Unrar 1 0 1

I had the same trouble MoeJoe, and it appears that it prompts for a passwordwhen the zip or rar archive is damaged or incomplete. I found that it happenedoften. When I re-downloaded rars it worked fine. Perhaps try it in windows,unfortunate as that is; that’s my only advice, esp. for you own rars that youcan’t just re-download. good luck!


does ubuntu 7.04 still supported ? because I can’t update my ubuntu fromrepositories sites



Thank you so much, the unrar-free worked even on Jaunty Jackalope.


Thanks much for the info. haven’t installed it yet but im sure it will work. Howabout using wine to install winrar?


Thank you sooo much.

Proof That 1 Equals 0

I was looking for a way to extract multiple files and assumed .r00 (.rXX) was a7zip file. Decided to check for RAR support, stumbled here (after 20-30 minutesof fannying with the terminal :?) and had it installed and extracted in about aminute or two.

Thank you very much :D

Mr T

Being a real old NOOB I installed unrar free from the link and when I tryextract I get just the folder created from the archive but no files. So if thisis one of the files free won’t extract how do I remove free so I can install theother one?


Thanks!!! It worked for me. I was extracting Rar files in a couple ofminutes.

I recently started using Ubuntu Netbook Remix (on my new netbook) because I wasso pissed with windows 7 starter edition (not allowed to even changewallpaper!). Been Googling for help and your website has helped me transitionquite painlessly. Thanks again!


You can also try http://www.openrarfile.com it’s an onlinetool for opening zip and rar files.

No software to download…works good for psp and mobile devices.


but, this one if only we got internet connection

how about if we don’t have internet connection?
could we get the unrar-free offline?


Yes gum, you actually can. Just install an IDE or programming tool like Netbeansand build your own rar extractor assuming you have excellent programming skillsbecause you MUST have internet connection to download source files anyway.


Hello, I already installer unrar,the freeware and nonfree version, so then i putDesktop/ (the directory is recognize because i have my rar file there). Afterthat I type unrar x(name of my file)…and nothing happens. I tried usingthename of my file.rar (with the extention and nothing)/ Please I need some helpI have the two versions and none worked.


Hello I installed unrar, and it is asking me to follow this, so i went todesktop where i have my file (Desktop/), then unrar filename (with .rar andwithout it, just to try), And this message appears:
Usage: unrar - -
Please i need some help


Really thanks for the help it worked 100% for me.


thanks a lot. this helped. I wonder why Ubuntu has not included a rar archivehandler in the OS. people at Ubuntu can easily write a code for this i guess.but none the less, the second command given here in the post has solved myprob. :)


thanks!!! new to ubuntu so i thought i had just lost approx. 4 hours of mytime downloading something to have it sitting inert in among my files. godsbless!


installed on maverick.

sudo apt-get install unrar

Works 100%


Thanks. Tried winrar in wine. too slow. This did it!


I was always facing problem to open a .rar file .Now my problem hasbeen solved.Thank’s for this tip


Thanks DJ it will b of gud help 2 me…God bless u….


I have tried and it worked but i cant see my extracted files!!….


Follow this.it’s good


Mr Unrar 1 0 Download

download a program called unrar… open terminal and type sudo apt-get installunrar…
it really works…….


Thanks. Archive Manager is now able to “UNRAR”.


thanks buddy this has been very helpful. The second option is the best I guess.Btw I am amused at how some guy replied that even without internet connectionyou can build your own rar extract. That was a sense of humour.



Mr Unrar 1 0 3

I can suggest PeaZip to open RAR files on Ubuntu/Debian distributions, a DEBinstaller is featured on http://peazip.sourceforge.net/peazip-linux.html
(they also have RPM and TGZ installers)


I’ve tried it installing this (unrar) software from ununtu software centre butat the end it tell that “Package operation failed” this problem started occuringafter installation of crossplatformui tool what should i do to handle it

Lin Rongxiang

I will see whether copying the RAR file I have downloaded over to Windows mightwork. I think I have got 7-zip installed in my Windows XP machine and that oneprobably can handle RAR files, for all I know should it work fine on Windows Iwill just do my work in Windows instead.


Or Linux version of Winrar can be used, download link:

Mr Unrar 1 0
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